An overpayment is any additional payment you make over your usual monthly mortgage payment. Overpayments can either be a one-off lump sum or a regular overpayment made throughout the year.
Overpaying on your mortgage means you can save money on the total amount of interest you pay and potentially clear your mortgage balance quicker.
Some of our mortgages have limits, known as an allowance, on how much you can overpay. If you go over this allowance, you may have to pay an Early Repayment Charge (ERC).
If you’re making overpayments following a payment break, these will impact your overpayment allowance. We will refund any Early Repayment Charges (ERCs) you get for making up missed payments.
Find out what your overpayment allowance is using the following table. You can also refer to your latest mortgage offer.
All mortgage products reserved on or after 29 May 2013
10% per annum of the original loan amount
All tracker mortgages reserved on or after 2 May 2014
All mortgage products reserved between 1 Feb 2001 and 28 May 2013
All Standard Mortgage Rate (SMR) or Base Mortgage Rate (BMR) mortgages
There may be some instances where you may not have the overpayment feature on your mortgage. Check your latest mortgage offer to confirm.
All overpayments you make go into an overpayment reserve. The reserve is used to reduce the interest you pay on your mortgage balance.
We calculate the interest on your mortgage daily so all overpayments will reduce the interest you pay the following day.
For overpayments of less than £500
We'll reduce your minimum monthly payments at the next natural recalculation point, such as an interest rate change or product expiry.
For single overpayments of £500 or more
We'll automatically reduce your minimum monthly payments the following month.
You can change or cancel the way your overpayments affect your mortgage. We call this changing your overpayment preference.
You are in control of your overpayment preferences – you can tell us how you want your overpayment money to be used to best suit your individual mortgage needs. For example, reduce monthly payments, reduce term (excluding interest only) or keep both the payments and term the same.
If the repayment method on your mortgage account is part interest and part repayment, any overpayment will be automatically applied to the capital repayment part of your mortgage.
If you want your overpayment to be applied to the interest only part, you will need to request this every time you make an overpayment by calling us on 0345 609 25 31 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm, Saturday 9am to 2pm. Closed Sundays and bank holidays).