An Investor's Guide to Municipal Bonds

Municipal bonds, commonly referred to as "munis," are debt securities issued by states, cities, counties, and other state governmental entities to fund public projects. These bonds are a favorite among investors in high tax brackets seeking steady income with tax advantages, as they often provide tax-free interest at the federal and sometimes state and local levels. By investing in munis, investors provide financing for essential community projects such as schools, highways, and hospitals while receiving regular interest payments.

Key Takeaways:

What Are Municipal Bonds?

Municipal bonds (also known as “munis”) are securities issued by local, or state governmental entities to finance public projects. By purchasing munis, investors lend money to the issuer in exchange for periodic interest payments and the return of the bond's face value upon maturity. Municipal bonds act like loans, with bondholders becoming creditors.

How Do Municipal Bonds Work?

Municipal bonds are debt instruments through which local or state governments raise capital for public projects. Investors buy these bonds, effectively lending money to the issuing body, and in return, they receive periodic interest payments. Upon the bond's maturity, the principal amount is repaid. The appeal lies in the tax-exempt status of the interest income and the relative safety of the investment, as most are backed by government entities.

Types of Municipal Bonds

The two most popular municipal bonds are general obligation bonds and revenue bonds, each with distinct characteristics and risks. Other types of municipal bonds exist each having unique risk profiles.

General Obligation Bond

General obligation bonds are backed by the full faith and credit of the issuing municipality, which means they are secured by the issuer's ability to tax residents. Investors may consider these bonds lower risk because they are supported by the issuing government's taxing power. However, because of this lower risk, they typically offer lower yields compared to other types of bonds. They are best suited for investors looking for a stable investment with potentially lower default risk.

Revenue Bond

Revenue bonds are issued to fund income-producing projects and are secured by specific revenue sources, such as tolls or earnings from a public utility. These bonds typically offer higher yields due to their higher risk; if the project fails to generate the expected revenue, bondholders may not receive their expected interest payments or the bondholders may not be repaid at the bond’s maturity date. Investors interested in these bonds should consider the project's potential to generate steady revenue.

How to Invest in Municipal Bonds

Investing in municipal bonds can be done directly through bond brokers or indirectly through mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs), each with unique advantages and considerations.

Bond Brokers

Bond brokers allow investors to purchase individual muni bonds directly. This method offers the ability to select specific bonds and tailor the investment to one's preferences and risk tolerance. The downside is that it requires a higher level of investment knowledge and can involve higher transaction fees.

Mutual Funds

Mutual funds that specialize in municipal bonds provide diversification and professional management. They are suitable for investors who want exposure to a variety of bonds without the need to manage individual securities. The trade-off includes management fees and less control over the specific bonds in the portfolio.

Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)

Municipal bond ETFs offer the benefits of mutual funds—diversification and professional management—with the added advantage of real-time trading like stocks. They typically have lower fees than mutual funds but can be subject to market fluctuations. VanEck’s municipal income ETFs offer investors the ability to exercise control over their portfolio yield, duration, and credit exposure at different points in the interest rate cycle.

Alternative Methods

Other ways to invest in munis include direct investment programs from municipalities and closed-end funds. These methods can offer higher yields and investment in specific community projects. However, they may come with higher risks and less liquidity, and they may require more active management.

Each method of investing in municipal bonds has its own set of benefits and drawbacks, and the best choice depends on the investor's financial goals, risk tolerance, and desired level of involvement in managing the investment.

Pros and Cons of Investing in Municipal Bonds

Investing in municipal bonds carries a unique set of characteristics that appeal to a variety of investors. The allure of munis often lies in their tax-exempt status, as well as being considered a relatively safe investment. However, they may also be less attractive due to their typically lower yields compared to other taxable securities and potential liquidity issues. Overall, munis can be a strong investment for those seeking steady, tax-efficient income, but they are not without risks, such as interest rate fluctuations and the rare instances of default.

Let's delve into both the advantages and the inherent risks associated with municipal bonds.

Advantages of Municipal Bonds for Investors

Municipal bonds offer several compelling advantages that can make them an attractive component of an investment portfolio.

Tax Exemption

The most significant benefit of munis is the tax exemption on interest income they offer. For investors in high tax brackets, this can equate to a considerable advantage, often making the after-tax return on munis more favorable than that of taxable bonds.

Low Default Risk

Munis are known for being a relatively safe investment. Their default rates are historically low, especially for general obligation bonds, making them a potential choice for risk-averse investors.


Investing in munis can provide a portfolio with diversification benefits. Historically, municipal bonds have demonstrated a low correlation with other asset classes, which can help reduce overall portfolio risk.

Risks of Municipal Bonds for Investors

Municipal bonds offer several benefits, but they are not without their risks. Understanding these risks is essential for investors looking to make informed decisions.

Interest Rate Risk

All bonds face interest rate risk; when rates go up, bond prices typically go down. To manage this risk, investors can construct a laddered bond portfolio, which staggers the maturity of bonds and allows for reinvestment at potentially higher rates over time. Another strategy is to focus on short to intermediate-term bonds, which are less sensitive to interest rate changes than long-term bonds.

Call Risk

The call risk associated with munis, where an issuer may retire a bond early, can be offset by investing in non-callable bonds or by being compensated with a higher yield for callable bonds. Understanding the call provisions and how they may impact investment returns is crucial before investing.

Lower Yields

Munis generally offer lower yields due to their tax-exempt status. Investors in higher tax brackets often find the tax-adjusted returns of munis to be competitive with higher-yielding taxable bonds. It’s important for investors to calculate their tax-equivalent yield to compare the true return potential of munis with other investment options.

When to Invest in Municipal Bonds

The decision to invest in municipal bonds should align with an investor's financial goals, tax situation, and risk tolerance. They are particularly suitable for high-net-worth individuals in higher tax brackets looking for tax-free income. Additionally, periods of market volatility or low interest rates may present favorable opportunities for adding munis to one's portfolio.

The Bottom Line

Municipal bonds can be a staple in many investment strategies, prized for their tax advantages, relative safety, and role in portfolio diversification. However, they are not entirely risk-free and tend to offer lower yields. Investors should weigh the pros and cons in the context of their investment objectives and the current economic environment. As with any investment, due diligence and a clear understanding of munis' place within a broader financial plan are paramount.

Looking to enhance your portfolio with munis? Explore VanEck’s comprehensive suite of muni ETFs.

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Municipal bonds may be less liquid than taxable bonds. A portion of the dividends you receive may be subject to the federal alternative minimum tax (AMT). There is no guarantee that municipal bonds’ income will be exempt from federal, state or local income taxes, and changes in those tax rates or in alternative minimum tax rates or in the tax treatment of municipal bonds may make them less attractive as investments and cause them to lose value. Capital gains, if any, are subject to capital gains tax. When interest rates rise, bond prices fall.

All investing is subject to risk, including the possible loss of the money you invest. As with any investment strategy, there is no guarantee that investment objectives will be met and investors may lose money. Diversification does not ensure a profit or protect against a loss in a declining market. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

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Municipal bonds may be less liquid than taxable bonds. A portion of the dividends you receive may be subject to the federal alternative minimum tax (AMT). There is no guarantee that municipal bonds’ income will be exempt from federal, state or local income taxes, and changes in those tax rates or in alternative minimum tax rates or in the tax treatment of municipal bonds may make them less attractive as investments and cause them to lose value. Capital gains, if any, are subject to capital gains tax. When interest rates rise, bond prices fall.

All investing is subject to risk, including the possible loss of the money you invest. As with any investment strategy, there is no guarantee that investment objectives will be met and investors may lose money. Diversification does not ensure a profit or protect against a loss in a declining market. Past performance is no guarantee of future results.

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