my code looks like this:
Dim rpt As New crReport
Catch ex As Exception
when i set the datasource to my new fully populated dataset, dsData, that when i get a prompt for the login but the login is not for for the dsData, it is for the dummy dataset used to build the report. you cant actually log into the 'dataset' as you set no server info. it actually has the datset name as the server name.
when i cancel the login, the report displays with the data from the dataset.
anyhow, if anybody has ran across this problem and knows of a solution i would greatly appreciate a shout out on it.
killomp 11-May-13 7:22 Adam1212Bell 24-Mar-13 13:18In the age of technology every well done technical or digital element in business or science chain of processes can decide about whole and common success | |
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If you need more info on these products above or information on the reporting software available, reporting software is a really useful resource. link text: reporting software link URL: www.reportingsoftware.infoKen Than 6-Jan-12 6:11
How come I don't have CrystalReportViewer in my Toolbox of VS2005? When I click Project -> Add new item, there is no crystal report option. Do I need to install anything? | |
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how can you create crystal report in application in using a schema | |
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Thanks for the article. It has been of great help. I have designed a report and got my code
running. I have two tables. I would like to show all the contents of table 1, with the details on top. When done
with table 1, then print table 2 details on the top of a new page followed by the details of table 2. I do not want to mix
them up.
Is this at all possible?
vivek kumar 11-Apr-09 4:09i'm not able to generate crystal report
That is the .cs file for the crystal report designed through wizard is not generated.
i came to know that it'll generate automatically but i'm not getting it
could u tell me is there any method to generate it.
Bheema84 26-Mar-09 13:34I have a query that may be you will able to help me, regard of you crystal report tool can i use it to retrive information from my help desk system & generate report froom it. Kindly pls advise. Thanks.
Xandip 18-Jan-09 22:07 The name is Sandeep viv2812 26-Apr-08 14:32 az_farzaneh 8-Jan-08 21:46Hi, How can i change (increase) width of page ? i can resize or change height of sections , but it seems that width of page is fixed. thanks. | |
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it is a good example for reporting infos from one table.but i am interested on reporting more than one table in the crystal report, for example a master detail or a lookup field.can anyone help me? | |
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You can append all the result in a text field using code and display it in the report, will display like this.
az_farzaneh 28-Nov-07 19:56Thanks a lot for your attention,but i dont understand these words "using code" ,
sorry , could you explain about it more ?
best regards
In crystal report, if a table field(column) contains multiple data values, then if we place that field in the crystal report, it will display row by row only.
Name 1 (Row1)
Name 2 (Row2)
Name 3 (Row3)
It will always displayed row by row under a column.
For displaying it in a serial manner like
Name 1 Name 2 Name 3 . (One row only)
The solution is very simple. Just append all the data rows into a single row like above and place that row into the report. It will display once and display the data serially.
I don't know whether it is the actual solution or not. Any way it will not solve your problem I will enquire a new solution and let you know.
uranus1225 23-Sep-07 22:50I want to ceate Guntt Chart in this crystal report,but I have no idea how to fulfil it! Will you please tell me how I should do! Greate thanks! I am in Beijing,China!Welcome to Beijing next year for Olympic Games!Maybe I can procide abode for you!hehe. Great thanks! | |
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I downloaded you Demo project. Compiled and executed it in VS2005.
It worked fine.
Then I deleted the XSD from the project. Compiled and ran the program again and it worked exactly the same way.
Could you please tell me why we need to add the XSD and tables to it when you are actually creating the table again in the code part.
XSD means XML Schema definition. The XSD will provide only the schema of all the tables and its relations. While we associate an XSD file to a crystal report, we only provides the schema of the tables to the crystal report. That means, the Table Name, Field Names and it types etc. This schema is stored as binary format in crystal report. For displaying the report, we have to give the same schema to the crystal report dynamically, and also data.